When and how did you first read, watch or hear about The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Silmarillion (or any other work by Tolkien)?
When and how did you first read, watch or hear about The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Silmarillion (or any other work by Tolkien)?
Me and my dad read it together from a very young age and I saw the movies with him as well.
I was 10 and my neighbor gave me one of the books I read it and bought everyone and read them and watch the movies on the regular
Nice 😊
So i started at 11years when my mom was like: YOU NEED TO SEE LOTR MOVIES ARE JUST GREAAATT! so i watched the first movie and my mom: now, look, i have the books, you can read them if you want or you can watch the movies. so i started the books then i watched the movies and yeah. This is how i entered in the fandom yay.
I originally had absolutely no interest in it. I had only really seen a few clips from the movies and just couldn't get into it. Last summer, I ended up sitting down on my own and watching all of the movies and it just clicked and now I LOVE them! Started reading the books, now I'm reading the Silmarillion. I'm still trying to learn a lot of the details because it's a very complex universe but it's a lot of fun and I'm so glad I finally decided to give it a chance because I can't get enough of it now!
That's great @Rivendell13! The Silmarillion is really incredible, even though it's very dense, it's definitly worth reading! Take your time and enjoy learing more about Middle-earth!
I saw lord of the ring:the fellowship and then came to know the author J R R Tolkien.
Cool 😎
I watched the first movie with my mom when I was 10. I watched the second and third last year. I'm almost 13 now and I've finished reading The Hobbit and Fellowship, just started reading Two Towers 😁
What do you think?